Disapproving the Action of the District of Columbia Council in Approving the Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act of 2022

Floor Speech

Date: April 20, 2023
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: George Floyd


Ms. McCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to H.J. Res. 42.

House Republicans seem to think it is appropriate to stop the District of Columbia from enacting the kind of common-sense police reforms that many of our states, including my state of Minnesota, have already enacted.

My constituents did not elect me to interfere with the local politics of our nation's capital city.

Congress should respect the 700,000 residents of the District of Columbia by not interfering in their right to pass measures to improve their public safety and public trust. If my Republican colleagues won't support D.C. statehood, they should at least support the autonomy of D.C.'s local government.

The D.C. bill which Republicans are attacking was enacted to establish public trust with law enforcement and save lives. Banning chokeholds, limiting the use of deadly force, and requiring training on de-escalation are positive measures that duly elected D.C. officials have determined will make their community safer. Instead of using a Congressional vote to overturn D.C.'s law, Congress should be advancing law enforcement reform measures on a federal level, such as the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.

My Republican colleagues need to stop interfering with D.C.'s duly elected officials. Congress should instead get to work for the American people to cap insulin costs for everyone, make the wealthiest and the biggest corporations pay their fair share in taxes, or strengthen Social Security and Medicare.

President Biden has already said he will veto this legislation should it make it to his desk. But Republicans insist on wasting Congress's time with political stunts like this instead of solving problems for the constituents we all were elected to serve.

Mr. Speaker, H.J. Res. 42 should be rejected.

